Sunday, June 8, 2008

Elder Ence

My fellow Brethren Spreading the Gospel,

The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny and show the Lord that you care about Him, His word, and His people. My mission so far has been a huge rollercoaster. Its one of those scary ones that you have to be real big to go on and I think that im just barley big enough to ride. It is a pretty expensive ride but I got a feeling is going to be a real good one and im always excited for a new ride. Texas is full of money, women, cigarettes and beer. That’s it. So for the average person Texas is basically a party. But I have come to crash that party and Cry Repentance to the people of Midland Texas (where im a now). I deal with every kind of person who has every heard about the bible. There is at least 200 different churches here in midland and there is about 115,000 people. But that doesn’t matter because there is only one true church, for 115,000 people, there is only one true church on the earth today. Make sure that you never forget that the church of jesus Christ of latter day saints is the only true church today and forever. Jesus lives and love us all, Joesph Smith is a profet of God, Gorden Hinkley is presiding over this true church, a through the Atonement we can all be made hole. This is my testimony and the message I leave with you today, en el nombre tu hijo Jesucristo, nuestro Salvador y Redentor amen.

I love ya’ll


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